Friday, June 26, 2009
This was the last night before Kid's Camp was complete. The kids were to leave Saturday morning/afternoon. I don't remember a lot of what happened on this day, because most days were the same. Coach devotions, wake up (Heidi walked around with megaphone saying, "Good Morning Campers"), breakfast, dorm devotions, afternoon service, lunch, free time (Moose Canteen and swimming), dinner, evening service, free time (Moose Canteen), group games, lights out (well, not really 'lights out' because it was daylight for 24 hours). We often had to chase the girls around the tents to get them to come in! Most often it was Tami, Linnea, and Angela! :) (Teens) Heidi stood outside with a jug of water and cups so the girls could brush their teeth! Pretty smart thinking! In the morning there was always coaches who stayed back as the girls awoke each moring! It was difficult to get them out of bed because they are used to staying up late and arising late in the morning. Many of them actually have to take turns at home because there is not enough beds to sleep.
I got to get up and listen to Pastor Brian's devotion for the coaches about praising God during life's storms, using the Casting Crowns song, "Praise You In The Storm" as his point of reference. I could definately relate as I had been blessed by that song numerous times. Praise God is all circumstances!
I basically helped clean up after all the meals. The kids helped with the trays because they got extra points for their teams. I did get to twirl the heavy rope for jump roping. I was either twirling or jumping a lot with the kids and teens, but my arms got really sore.
The last night the kids wanted to sing all of the Hero songs over and over. Poor Hartley and Carl were getting very tired! Chris, the speaker, was so awesome to even give Billy and I the Super Hero bibles despite not being there all week. I can't wait to use the bible in my Sunday School class. (or, maybe I will give it to my 2 year old nephew)For an extra special treat the kids got to watch "Bolt." It was neat to be able to use the lap top and projector for things like this. I watched about half of it and then went to the tent. I never heard the kids come in-thankfully we had light sleeper Heidi with us! She always guarded the door well. She woke up to everything. Poor girl had a really sprained ankle (for almost all of camp), but she still was always doing something. So anyways... it was last night for the kids and I was tired so I knew that if I didn't go to bed now while I could I would struggle when the teens came on Monday. I never seen that movie and will have to rent it. Fred made the kids popcorn. I was so impressed- he cut the tops of microwavable popcorn and poured it into the skillet. He put another pan on top and kept shaking and shifting it till all the popcorn was popped. I will have to try that sometime. I love homemade popcorn!
The first few days I was at Kid Camp the weather is was pretty cold and rainy. Always wore my gloves and hat. I couldn't believe that the kids still swam in the cold river! The nice thing about it being cold and rainy is that it kept the mosquitoes away. Not such luck for Teen Camp! By the way, did I mention that I only found one box, out of 4, at camp when I first arrived? I was really frustrated, but thankfully it was the box with my sleeping gear and so I was so thankful. I did pack a little more in my suit case and it last another day until Pastor Terry and Danean were able to rescue my other 3 boxes from Emo. No worries!! God took care of me!! Thankfully now that I have gone I know now what to pack and what I don't need. Wool socks and an extra blanket are a necessity!! Plus, the blanket is double protection from the annoying mosquitoes!!
Interesting fact: male mosquitoes are the ones that buzz in your ear and are annoying, female mosquitoes bite!! :)